Was Trotskys leadership the main reason for the Bolsheviks success in the Civil War?

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Was Trotsky’s leadership the main reason for the Bolshevik’s success in the Civil War?

After three years of fighting, the Bolsheviks emerged from the Civil War victorious in 1921. A number of factors contributed to their success.

Trotsky’s leadership played a crucial role in the Bolshevik’s success. Trotsky was appointed Commissar for War in 1918; he restored discipline and professionalism to the Red Army and turned it into an effective fighting force. This lead to the army defeating the Whites and eventually winning the Civil War. Trotsky also re-established the death penalty and kept their families hostage to ensure the soldiers remained loyal. Soldiers did not abandon their units and with Trotsky’s success in establishing discipline, he was able to rally his men; personally leading this forces to the front line, pushing them to fight harder in order to help the Bolsheviks win the Civil War. With an army of five million men, Trotsky used his organisation and ruthlessness to ensure his troops were capable of defeating the Whites.

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The White’s military weaknesses had also helped to contribute to the success of the Bolsheviks. Several White leasers had treated their soldiers with contempt. This led to a high rate of desertation in the White army, and low levels of morale and furthermore contributed to the downfall of the Whites in the Civil War. The Whites generals were also disunited as they were suspicious of each other’s motives and so made it harder for them to communicate amongst each other to come up with clear tactics. The Whites also often operated as individual armies, which made it easier for ...

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