Weimar’s Failure Lay in it’s Own Poor Foundations. Discuss.

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Weimar's Failure Lay in it's Own Poor Foundations. Discuss.

In this essay I intend to determine whether one could condemn Weimar's downfall on its individual establishment. In order to do this I will highlight the key factors, which I believe, led to Weimar's defeat; I will examine each one in turn and ascertain whether the blame could be entirely put upon Weimar.

The impact of the war upon Germany was very damaging, firstly the war was very expensive and had harmed the German economy. The whole country was united in the war effort it was known as the volkgemeinschaft. However there was a large split in society between the minority of rich people and the majority of poor people, many people were starving. Despite this there was general support for the war.

Due to the fact that Germany was defeated the general atmosphere within the country was one of dejection and hatred of the allies. As a result of the war a peace treaty was created in the city of Versailles Germany was not allowed to be present at the negotiations and the treaty was extensively biased against Germany. For example Germany was to take full responsibility for the war and had to give the allies (mainly France, Britain and America) reparations payments which had colossal economic implications for Germany. Another term of the treaty was the removal of the Kaiser, Wilhelm II, this seemed outrageous to the German people as the Kaiser was their leader he was the symbol of all their power.

The mere thought of signing the treaty was unthinkable for Germany anyone prepared to sign it would be labelled as a lunatic. The army, in charge of the country at the time, made a very clever move and put the power back to the Reichstag, who were later to become the Weimar government. Weimar was forced to sign the treaty or to face invasion from the allies, which would ultimately end in certain defeat and complete eradication of the empire. As Erzberger the president said in his analogy to the situation " suppose somebody tied my arms and placed a loaded pistol against my chest, and asked me to sign a piece of paper obligating me to climb to the moon within 48 hours. As a thinking man I would sign to save my life...". There was no choice for Weimar they had to sign the treaty. This caused loathing toward them by the people, Weimar was later to become known as the 'November criminals' (November was when the treaty was signed) they were thought to have 'stabbed the country in the back' by signing.
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In November 1918 the Kaiser abdicated this lead to the set up of the constitutional assembly and led the way to a democratic republic. These were the aims of the old Reichstag leaders who had to negotiate peace with President Wilson. They were backed by the political parties the CCP (Catholic Centre Party), the NLP (Progressive Liberal party) and the SDP (Socialist Democratic Party). The departure of the Kaiser caused turmoil within Germany many people were enraged with the people that supported it.

Within its constitution Weimar tried to include new democratic ideas with old authoritarian views. ...

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