Were the treaties of 1919 - 1923 fair

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The First World War

The First World War broke out in August 1914 it lasted four years. The war was between The , led by , , the , and later  and the , and the : , the ,  and the .

A Treaty is the contract or agreement between a government or country which ends a war or conflict. It is presented during a war to end all fighting and create peace between the countries or governments involved. A treaty should be fair to ensure that there are no more problems or arguments and that there is finally peace between all individuals involved.

 The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that officially ended the war. It was between the Allied and Central Powers and the German Empire. After six months of negotiations at the Paris Conference the treaty was signed as a follow up to the peace agreement. It was signed on the 11th November 1918.  There were many needs in the treaty one of the most highlighted needs of the treaty was for Germany to accept full responsibility for causing the war and to compensate certain countries that had formed the Allies. After many disagreements by Germany regarding the terms of the Treaty they finally agreed to it.

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The “Big Three” (pictured below) that represented the Treaty were Prime Minister David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau of France and President Woodrow Wilson of the United States of America.  The Prime Minister of Italy, Vittorio Orlando, played a small part in the plans. Germany was not invited to France to discuss the treaty. At Versailles, it was difficult to choose on a well known position because the aims of the men created problems with one another. The result was said to be a sacrifice that nobody liked.


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