What Caused the Cold War And Who Was To Blame?

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Jennifer Jiang

What caused the Cold War and who was to blame?

After the World War II, the alliance between Britain, USA and USSR ended. The USA and USSR were to become the 2 super powers. An intense rivalry formed between the Communist and non-Communists countries, and this was called the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because it did not develop into a “Hot” war. This was because neither side wanted another war with the added threat of nuclear weapons, which could mean the end of the world. “Cold” was also to describe the “frosty” and hostile relationship between the two countries, Russia and the USA.

There were many reasons that caused the Cold War. The main cause was that the USA and the USSR had different beliefs, political ideas and systems. The clash between Communism and Capitalism. The USA was Democracy and the USSR was Communist. Communism believed in equality, which everyone should be equal. The government controlled many aspects of people’s lives. There was strong censorship, and they were against individual profit making. Capitalism believed in freedom. There were free elections held, and the individuals are allowed to make profits and own lands. The two beliefs were against each other, so it was impossible that the two could have any long-term good relationships.

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The two sides not only had different beliefs, but different aims as well. After the World War II, Germany was split into four zones between Britain, France, USA and Russia. Berlin was also split between the four countries. This was agreed at the Yalta conference. But while occupying Germany, Stalin wanted Germany to stay weak and broken, so they could never recover and attack Russia again. He also wanted a “buffer” zone between the east and the west so any attack or fighting would not damage “mother” Russia. It also gives time for the army to prepare themselves if there ...

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