What Caused the Outbreak of WW1 in 1914?

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What Caused the Outbreak of WW1 in 1914

The causes of World War One were far more complicated than those of World War Two. Europe had divided into two camps: the Triple Entente, comprising of Britain, France and Russia, and the Triple Alliance, comprising of Germany, Italy and Austria.

Each member of the Triple Alliance had promised to help the others if they were attacked by another country.

Austria needed the might of Germany to back them up due to political trouble in the south-east of Europe. Italy had joined these countries as they feared their power on her northern border. Germany was mainland Europe's most powerful country, so from Italy's point of view, being an ally of Germany was an obvious move.

The Triple Entente did not have to promise to help the other if they got attacked by other countries but the understanding was that each member would support the others.
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Russia was the least industrialised empire, but potentially the strongest because of its size and large population. They joined this “Entente Cordiale” (Friendly Agreement) as they wanted influence over their fellow Slavs in the Balkans. Austria-Hungary, which was made up of many different nationalities, had difficulty in keeping the empire united. A particular problem was the independence of the Slav country of Serbia from the Ottoman Empire in 1878. They feared that this would be an example to other Slavs in Austria-Hungary to seek their independence. So naturally, Russia supported Serbia and other Slav countries against Austria-Hungary.

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