What factors caused the revolution of 1905 and How was the Tsarist Regime able to survive?

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What factors caused the revolution of 1905 and How was the Tsarist      Regime able to survive?

Causes of the Revolution of 1905,

Russia in 1905 was a very delicate place politically and financially, because in the last sixty years there had been many problems throughout the country. 1848 was when most revolutions throughout Russia took place, just a simple example of how far behind Russia was. Between 1853-56 Russia had suffered the humiliation in the Crimean War, where its ‘great-power’ status was questioned. From 1868- 97 Russia were suffering throwing up doss houses and shantytowns to accommodate new arrivals in hope of cure the problem of overcrowding. In  1902-03 there was clearly trouble brewing in the countryside in three peasant provinces, after the agricultural famine on 1891, a solution was needed.

There has always been long-term discontent, creating many problems with the Russian People, for example:

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  • Alienated Intelligentsia; middle class liberals who wanted to participate in government and wanted some form of elected national assembly, result, students protested against repressive government controls.
  • Socialist Revolutionaries; wanted peasant revolution to create socialism based around peasant communes.
  • The Socialist Democrats (Marxists) who wanted urban working classes to stage a revolution to create a socialist state, then communism.
  • National minorities such as, Finns, Poles and Jews who wanted independence and most of all to end the policy of russification.
  • Peasants, who had problems such as poverty, lack of land, over raised taxes and redemption ...

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