What Factors Helped the Spanish Conquistadors Conquer the New World?

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Joel Meler

Mr. D’ngelo


Spanish Conquistadors

        The Spanish managed to conquer the ew orld so easily because of many factors which include weapons and military technology, old world diseases, horses, military technique and experience, and ships. Each of these advantages for the Spanish people played a huge role in why the Natives could barely give a decent fight against them. On the following paragraphs it will be specified why these factors were advantages and how they helped the Spanish people.

        Weapons and military technology  the biggest advantages the Spanish people had. On the first encounter between Christopher Columbus and the Natives, Columbus was armed with guns whereas the Natives were armed with spears and bows, which g them a disadvantage against the Spanish.would be They were able to use guns because they traded with hina for gunpowder, while on the other hand the natives only had their goods to build those weapons because of their isolation.

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Another advantage that goes with military technology is the armor. While the natives fought n bare skin any kind of attack could easily injure them he Spanish people had armor and were protected against most of the Natives ways of attack, which gave them a very big advantage. Another gun-type weapon the Spanish had was the cannon. Cannons were used by Francisco Pizarro against the Incas, in Peru. They did not use it for physical attack but more for a psychological attack, which means that they were used to scare the Incas.

        Old world diseases also gave the Spanish a great ...

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