What was the Purpose and Nature of the Final Solution?

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                                                                                                             Jeffrey Nelson

What was the Purpose and Nature of the “Final Solution”?


The purpose and nature of the “Final Solution” was to solve the Jewish question, it refers to the Nazi plan to exterminate the Jewish people. The Jewish community was treated harshly even before the “Final Solution” had been decided upon.   After the June 1933 Nazi party rise to power, state-enforced racism resulted in anti-Jewish legislation, economic boycotts, loss of citizenship, "Aryanization” and finally the horrific violence of “Kristallnacht” ("Night of Broken Glass"), all of which aimed to isolate the Jews from German society and drive them out of the country.  After the beginning of World War Two, anti-Jewish policy had evolved into a comprehensive plan to exterminate all European Jews.

Adolf Hitler’s hatred of Jews is partly thought to have come from a Jewish conspiracy theory, that first appeared at the “Protocol’s of the Elders of Zion” published in 1903, they were later proved to be forgeries. Even with this proof, Hitler still believed the conspiracy existed and blamed the Jews for all of Germany’s and indeed, the world’s problems.  In Hitler’s book “Mien Kampf” (My Struggle) he also blamed the Jews for helping in the signing of the “Armistice” and the “Treaty of Versailles”.   This strengthened his belief that the Jewish people were engaged in a conspiracy to weaken Germany, to take over the country and to final attempt world domination.

 The “Final Solution” was not the first attempt to dispose of the Jews; the first attempt was in fact “The Madagascar Plan” through which the Nazi’s planned to move four million Jews from Europe to the island of Madagascar.  The Nazis had been expecting a quick end to the war so that they could transfer European Jews to Madagascar, but as the Battle of Britain lasted much longer than planned and with Hitler's decision in the fall of 1940 to invade the Soviet Union, the Madagascar Plan became unfeasible.  Alternate, more drastic, more horrific solutions were being proposed to eliminate the Jews of Europe.  Within a year, the killing process began.

The Nazis established ghettos in occupied Poland where Polish and western European Jews were deported to.  During the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, mobile killing squads “Einsatzgruppen” began killing entire Jewish communities.  The methods used, mainly shooting or gas vans, were soon regarded as inefficient.  Some Nazi’s believed it was a waste of a money or ammunition to shoot them and that they weren’t exterminating them as quickly as desired.  These mass murders were also starting to have a psychological effect on the killers; it was feared that this would lessen their efficiency as soldiers. This mass eradication of over one million Jews occurred before the plans of the “Final Solution” were fully implemented in 1942, but it was only with the decision to eradicate the entire Jewish population that the extermination camps were built and the systematic mass slaughter of Jews began.  This decision was made at the Wannsee conference in Berlin on January 20, 1942.  It was at this conference that a group of German Nazi officials decided upon the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question".  By November 1, 1941, the first extermination camps had been built: first Belzec, then Sobibor, Treblinka, Chełmno and Majdanek, and finally Auschwitz-Birkenau.  This industrialised extermination of the Jewish people, or “Operation Reinhard”, began in early 1942, although hundreds of thousands had already been killed by Death Squads.

Nazi-German extermination camps can be distinguished from concentration camps which were mostly intended as places of incarceration and forced labour.  In the early years of the Holocaust the Jews were primarily sent to concentration camps, but from 1942 onward they were mostly deported to the extermination camps.  Extermination camps should also be distinguished from forced labor camps, which were set up in all German-occupied countries to exploit the labor of prisoners.  Many Jews were worked to death in these camps but eventually the Jewish labor force, no matter how useful to the German war effort, was destined for extermination.  In most Nazi camps there were usually very high death rates as a result of execution, starvation, disease, exhaustion, and extreme brutality, nevertheless, only the extermination camps were intended specifically for mass killing. On arriving at these camps prisoners were told that they were merely at a transit stop for relocation further east, or that they were simply at a work camp.  Little did they know that like most prisoners they had little time left before they were heartlessly exterminated.  The means by which the Jews were slaughtered was mechanical and brutal.  Groups were confined in the gas chambers, possibly under the false pretence that they were to be showered, but the posion gas Zykon B was emitted into the air and each Jew died.  It was efficient and it wasted little time and no ammunition. To avoid further waste the prisoners’ belongings were recycled in order to help Germany’s war effort.  Their bodies were then disposed of by means of cremation or buried in mass graves, before more unsuspecting victims arrived.  These camps were small in size, only several hundred meters long and wide, as only minimal housing and support facilities were required.  The true purpose and nature of the “Final Solution” was to eradicate the entire Jewish population as quickly and as efficently as possible.

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According to Sources 1, 2 and 3, how could the German People have found out About The “Final Solution”?

According to sources one, taken from “The Era of the Second World War” by Philip Sauvain (1993), an American observer claims that the German people could have known about the “Final Solution” because of the electricity dropping in their houses in the morning when the crematoria in “Dachau” were turned, and additionally when the ashes from the crematoria fell and settled on their front lawns.  However it could be speculated that when the electricity dropped in the houses in ...

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