What was the purpose of the "Finial Solution"?

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What was the purpose of the “Finial Solution”?Hitler introduced the finial solution in order to exterminate the Jews. He felt he had to adopt this measure as a result of his invasion of Russia in 1941. By occupying Russia, he now had to get rid of six million more Jews. His prior polices of laws and emigration would no longer be successful and so the drastic policy of the “finial solution” was adoptedPrior to the finial solution, Hitler treated the Jews differently. He used laws to discriminate against the Jews, and slowly take away their rights. Through such laws as, the Nuremberg law, Hitler was able to gradually lower the place of the Jew in Germanys society. Examples of how he did this were, how he got rid of Jewish people from important jobs such as doctors and lawyers. On April 1st, nationwide boycotting of Jewish shops and businesses began. In July 23rd 1938, all Jews were issued with separate identity cards. By 1939, Jewish citizens had no place in German society. All Jews were made give up their possessions and were evicted from their homes and forced into designated Jewish accommodations.Hitler and the Nazis hated the Jews, as they believed in the superiority of the Aryan Race and they persecuted any group that they thought challenged Nazi ideas. Jewish people had different religious beliefs and the Nazis blamed Jews for the death of Christ. Also, most Jews were well educated and had successful and well paying jobs, this made the Nazi feel threatened and superior, and for this Hitler and all Nazis hated them.Source B, tells us how a conference was held in Berlin to discuss the “long term future of polish Jewry”, and the “concentration of Jews in the cities”, was introduced. Hitler’s aims were to subject the Jews to hard labour, then put them to death. I know from research through the Internet, that the camps resembled a very closely a mass-production line in a modern industrial plant. When a transport full of Jewish victims rolled into the nearby station, the “passengers” were herded into the camp and had to surrender their valuables and currency for supposedly safekeeping. They were taken to changing rooms where they were stripped, their clothes being later sent to German charity relief. Source D also tells us of the horrid conditions
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of the Ghettos, of how “over crowding increased…. on average, 13 people were put into a room, while thousands of people had no rooms at all”.Historians still differ in views about when the “extermination of Jews” began. Some say it began as early as 1933, when Hitler was able to persecute Jewish people through Laws. Others say that it did not begin until the final solution came into practice, and Jews were actually being killed and made to live in Ghettos and camps. I personally feel that it began back in 1933, when Hitler first began to discriminate against Jews, ...

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