What were the causes and consequences of the Wall Street Crash?

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What were the causes and consequences of the Wall Street Crash?

Question 1: Over Production

A reason which contributed to the Wall Street Crash in 1929 was the over production of car and consumer goods. Throughout the1920’s the amount of goods that the industry could produce continued to increase especially in car and consumer goods section. However there was not enough money to keep this going in to the 1930’s. As a result too much was being produced and there was not enough money for people to continue buying these goods. When people realised that share prices had risen too high as companies profits were falling as a result of over production. They wanted to sell their shares. As prices fell, more people wanted to sell their shares as they were scared of losing all their money. This caused a selling panic and share prices dramatically decreased.

Question 2:

A long term cause which contributed to the Wall Street Crash was the economic boom. Major companies soared, therefore people snapped up shares. Shares were seen as extremely safe by most people due to the powerful economic boom. Investors soon purchased shares on margin (credits). This was a short term cause which contributed to the Wall Street crash. Margin is the borrowing of stock for the purpose of getting more leverage. For every dollar invested, a margin user would borrow 9 dollars worth of stock. Because of this leverage, if a stock went up 1%, the investor would make 10%. This also works the other way around. If a stock drops too much, a margin holder could lose all of their money and owe their broker money as well. From 1921 to 1929, Millionaires were created. Soon stock market trading became America’s favorite thing as investors took advantage of this to make a quick profit.

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Investors mortgaged their homes, and foolishly invested their life savings in hot stocks, such as Ford and RCA. To the average investor, stocks were a sure thing. Few people actually studied the companies they invested in. Most investors never even thought a crash was possible. To them, the stock market always went up. This was only until the companies which they had brought shares in started to over produce goods. A reason for this was the unequal distribution of wealth. This was a long term cause which contributed to the Wall Street Crash. The over production of goods was a ...

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