What were the main causes, events and results of the evacuation of Dunkirk?

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What were the main causes, events and results of the evacuation of Dunkirk?

        The Second World War, also known as Hitler’s war, was a war of movement and speed. Hitler had trained his troops to carry out ‘Blitzkrieg’- lightning war, which meant, quick, skilled and heavy artillery tactics were used by the German army. Before the war Hitler had joined forces with Austria-Hungary and taken over Czechoslovakia, September 1939 he had conquered Poland-, which marked the beginning of the war, in April 1940, both Norway and Denmark had fallen and on the 10th May the German army simultaneously invaded Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. France was his next target. By the 27th of May the German Army had successfully advanced towards the beaches of Dunkirk and with help from their Luftwaffe, had been able to trap the BEF there. Fortunately the British Government launched Operation Dynamo, an evacuation plan that any seaworthy man and ship would sail to the beaches and rescue the soldiers. The evacuation continued for a whole week and in the aftermath a myth was born; was this evacuation a triumph or a disaster for the British government? In this essay I am going to explain the causes, events and results of the evacuation.

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        A main problem that the BEF faced was that their weaponry was inferior. The Germans were able to strike deep into France with the help of it’s Luftwaffe and the BEF, lacking the arms and means for mobility, couldn’t cope with the German attack. This was the main reason why the Germans were able to encircle the allied forces at Dunkirk, and why they were able to sweep across France so quickly. Also, Hitler’s ‘lightning war’ stunned the allied forces. By May 1940, Hitler had control of most of Europe, between September 1939 and May 1940 Hitler had conquered Poland, ...

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