Which Of The Following Was The Most Important Reason For The Success Of Hitler's Foreign Policy?

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Which Of The Following Was The Most Important Reason For The Success Of Hitler’s Foreign Policy

Britain and France were sympathetic to Germany because of the harshness of The Treaty of Versailles for example the Rhineland was to be demilitarised and land such as Posen and West Prussia were taken from Germany. For these reasons they thought that this could be relaxed as shown by the naval agreement of 1935 and their ignoring the German army’s March into the Rhineland. It seemed reasonable that German speaking people should be united and Germany regain the land that they lost. Therefore the Treaty of Versailles was an important reason because it was the root cause of everything that happened. It led to the German people getting angry and voting for the extremist party’s and Hitler coming to power. If the Treaty hadn’t been made then Britain and France would not have had anything to appease Germany over because there wouldn’t have been a need for them to regain the land they lost as it would have still been theirs.

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The League of Nations had failed by 1938 when Hitler went into Austria. The reaction of the more powerful countries to events in Ethiopia and Manchuria had shown that countries such as Britain and France acted in their own self-interest when dealing with invasions by powerful countries when they attacked smaller countries. Thus the idea of collective security was seen as unworkable as countries were willing to use their own armies to protect smaller countries. Britain and France did not want to be involved in war. This meant that the failure of the League of Nations was and important ...

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