Which one of these two sources do you trust more? The Battle of the Somme.

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Study source’s B and C.

Which one of these two sources do you trust more?

Source B is in 2 parts which are both written by Haig; a day before the battle and the day of the battle. Source C on the other hand was written a few years after the battle by Private George Coppard.

I personally believe source C is a trustworthy source because some statements Haig wrote were just not true from my background knowledge. A good example of this is when Haig (in source B) says: "Very successful attack this morning". I don't see how this statement can be true and can be said about a day where 20,000 men were killed with 57000 casualties. Source C also backs up my knowledge and shows source B could be wrong as it says: “Hundreds of dead”. In addition, the barbed wire did not break but once again, Haig stated differently (Source B: “the barbed wire has never been so well cut”). From my knowledge, people were caught or had to slow down because of the barbed the wire. In addition, source C tells us that the barbed wire was not broken down “It was so thick that daylight could barely be seen through it so this proves Haig could have been wrong. Nevertheless, maybe he lied to show that everything was working perfectly, a good leader (kept soldiers strong when there was a week of bombardment, and told them the {reality source A}). But how could he tell what was going on when he was 40 miles away from the front line ?

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This is the main point why I believe source C is more reliable as Private George Coppard was actually in The Battle of the Somme. His views could differ a bit due the fact he wrote the source a few years later with a vaguer memory. Source seems to be written to justify that the battle was different as he seems to question Haig while Haig seems to have justified how well the battle was going maybe to keep spirits high. Haig was always very cut off from the battle so he would not have had a very good picture ...

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