Who was responsible for what went wrong at Gallipoli?

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. Target: Main Target - Evaluation of sources for their utility (AO 6.2 with AO 6.1)

The sources show various views of Anzac soldiers from different perspectives. Source A, a primary source, shows a biased view of Anzac soldiers but does not give much information because it is a drawing and done by an Australian artist. It is limited because there are only so many things that can be learnt from pictures, to show the effectiveness of the source it needs to be backed up by another, more informative, source. It does show, however, how easy going and laid back the Anzac soldiers were but to validate this fact another source must be used.

Source C, another primary source, even though it was only published recently, It was written at the time so it is still original, gives a good evaluation of Anzac soldiers but does not give the full picture as it is just a small subjective extract from a diary. It is very limited in the information that is given but this is because the extract is only small. It does, on the other hand, show how brave and spirited the Anzac troops were. It is from a neutral perspective that was present at the time, so most of the views that have been put forward are likely to be true but this may still need backing up by another source that has more information or has definite facts within it.

Source B, a secondary source gives the most information about the Anzac soldiers as the writer has had a chance to gather information from other different sources before writing this mainly objective account. It does, nevertheless, have certain limitations. Because it is a secondary source it may be found to contain untrue facts if the writer has got carried away or has been falsely informed by other sources. Source B does follow up the other two sources and makes them both more efficient. It shows that a common viewpoint was taken about the Anzac troops being easy going and laid back, source B validates source A because the picture shows similar emotions to those being described in John Keegan's description. Source C is also authenticated by source B and this shows that a combination of sources can show a trend in the facts.
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Although source A is the vaguest and is possibly the most biased, you can learn a lot from it if it is backed up by a definite source. The information it gives is hidden beneath the surface so you have to be very perceptive to find the meaning and message in the picture.

Source C is also vague but as the information is there and written down it is easier to understand what the writer is saying about the Anzacs. It could be very useful if more of the diary is revealed and read with source C.

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