Who were the KKK and what did they do?

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Ku Klux Klan

Why was it so popular? Aims and Ideology?

Semi- religious event (tried to intimidate and scare blacks)

Associated with Christianity

Burning cross as a symbol as white power       intimidation

WASPs who were against:


African-Americans       particularly in the south

Jews and Catholics


All non-WASP immigrants

What did they do? How did they get away with it?

Intimidation        couldn’t vote

                       support of the political structure

Estimated 3,446 Blacks were lynched in the South between 1882-1968

Bibb Graves- elected governor for Alabama in 1926

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Won governorship with the KKK support

The KKK didn’t like: non-white immigrants, Jews, Coon (black people).

Anarchists- believe in freedom- no laws- social structured should be removed.

They thought white Americans needed their rights.

They thought everyone else were taking away opportunities from the white.


It was a part of society

It was seen as normal

Children are grown up seeing it as acceptable

Beliefs were being passed down to the younger generations


Hoods hid their identity

KKK= seen as patriotic and American

Often publicised themselves

Hoods off: not scared of being arrested



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