Why did women receive the vote in the early 20th centaury

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David Matthewson 10P

Votes for Women


Why did women receive the vote in the early 20th centaury?

Question 1:- study source A, what can you learn form this source about the reasons by the suffragettes for demanding votes for women?

The poster from source A was produced in 1912 by the suffragette group. This group resorted to militant actions and yet this poster shows that they were willing to try more peaceful methods if it would work. The poster emphasises the point across that women could do the same jobs as men to the same standard as them or possibly better than a man. It shows that a man could be a convict and not lose the vote and yet a woman could be a doctor or a mayor and not gain the vote. The source shows that women were not getting the vote and yet had deserved it because of the work that they had done and men despite not deserving it as much, still had it. The peaceful actions that the suffragettes used in this poster did not succeed and the poster did not help women to get the vote. This poster was created by an organisation that was of female majority and it showed that they wanted the right to suffrage and why they deserved it.

Question 2:- Study sources B and C, does source B support the evidence of source C about the suffragette campaign?

From the two sources you find out that both are very different in the way they are presented and have a very contrasted meanings. Source B is a book written for a very limited audience by a woman called Marie Corelli entitled ‘women or suffragette’. This shows that the author believes that they could either be a woman or a suffragette. The extract says that women are meant to make voters rather than be them. This shows that Marie Corelli is against the fact that her fellow females should not have the right to express their opinions and choices by being given the right to suffrage. The source states that ‘votes for women’ is the shrill cry of a number of discontented women. This is thought to be an unacceptable noise for a lady to make and can be thought of as un-lady like.

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        Whereas source C is a poster, that is suitable for a greater audience than the book. It is a cartoon that has been drawn by a male called Bernard Partridge entitled ‘the shrieking sister’. This term is considered to be un-lady like so there some comparisons between the two sources. This source shows that some men at the time were in favour of female suffrage by means of the suffragists. This shows that he is against the suffragettes and thinks that it is un-lady like to use militant methods to achieve your goal.

        Between the two sources there are some ...

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