Why did World War 2 occur? Why did the international peace Treaty collapse in 1939?

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World War 2 occurred and the international peace Treaty collapsed because of a chain of reasons, each link of this chain will be shown in this essay that I am about to embark on you.  There were five main reasons that knocked down brick by brick the wall of peace.

Hitler had made plans in between these dates 1933 and 1939 he turned these plans into actions while he was still planning.  His plans were to take Germany out of the League of Nations which he did in 1933 at the same time he began rearming Germany, he was planning something drastically it was going to be big.  He right away tried to take over Austria but Mussolini who was the leader of Italy at that time in 1934 denied him.  At this point a year later Germany were fully loaded her armies were ready to touch and take over any country which came in her way, Hitler reintroduced conscription in Germany he sent German troops into the Rhineland that was German soil anyway but Germany was not allowed to put her troops on the Rhine soil, this was because of the Treaty of Versailles France was afraid that if Germany was going to attack it would be to late they were to close to French soil, the Treaty forbid Germany to put soldiers on the Rhineland.  This happened in 1936 also at this time Hitler made an anti-Communist packed or alliance with Japan and Italy.  Hitler had his army but he had not tested it on anyone yet so he tried his new weapons in the Spanish Civil War, he now knew that his power was fairly at its maximum point so he tried and succeeded Austria was his in 1938.  His luck was great so now he wanted the Sudetenland which he got from Czechoslovakia in the same year.  He had found out how weak the Czechoslovakians were with negotiations so he invaded them some of their population were German speaking anyway so Hitler took advantage of this.  If Hitler continued unchecked by other governments his next target was likely to be Poland which it was.  Britain and France told Hitler that if he invaded Poland they would declare WAR on Germany.

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Britain and France followed a policy of Appeasement, this means that the policy of attempting to avoid war by making concessions.  It is particularly associated with British policy towards Hitler in the 1930s.   In 1938 war seemed imminent, with Mussolini’s help a final meeting was held in Munich on 29 September.  While Europe strained itself the great leaders of Britain, Germany, France and Italy decided on the fate of Czechoslovakia.  On the 29 September they decided to give in and give Hitler what he wanted.  The whole world found out on that day that the Sudetenland belonged to ...

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