Why Normans Built Castles and Cathedrals in England

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Why Normans Built Castles and Cathedrals in England

Starting with the most important and finishing with the least important, this Is my list on ‘Why Norman’s built Castles and in England.

  For protection

  To make the Town and surrounding areas a lot stronger

  To demonstrate their power

  To keep Law and Order

 The Normans mainly built Castles for protection. A Castle in a Town or Village would be very important to the villagers, and if you lived inside the castle. In the Bailey you would be in an even stronger position. Castles are strong because a lot of them are made from stone, and stone doesn’t burn at all. This meant the attackers would find it a lot harder to attack.

        Norman people were very rich indeed, so they also spent lots of money building castles and cathedrals to demonstrate their power. If you want to build a castle it takes a lot of preparation. King John when he attacked a castle had hundreds of men, so that he could attempt to beat the castle defences. Also having hundreds of castles up and down the country must have been hard work to build, so they had to build them where they especially needed a lot of power restored in a village.

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        The Normans also built castles to keep law and order. This would help stop a lot of rebellions and would help keep law and order for the people in the town.

Normans built cathedrals for the Christians in the town. Cathedrals are often built near a Castle. In those days Christianity was a very important part of life. This is because in the medieval times people were very religious. A lot of people believed in ‘Heaven ...

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