Why the English Parliament went to war with the King

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Why did the English Parliament go to war with their king?

Money: One reason why there was a civil war was because of Charles money debits which previously came from James. However Charles tried to sort the money problems out by getting huge loans from London Banks. Charles never paid the London Banks back this lead to huge debts. Another problem Charles had as to money been that Charles decided to run without parliament’s assistance. One example of this was that he raised taxes without permission from parliament. This irritated the MPs resulting in them deciding to stop Charles receiving the income from the taxes which made Charles and Parliament frustrated with each other. But the main reason over power was that Charles made the parliament and England in huge debits, so that made everyone very angry with him with Charles.

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Power: One huge problem over power with Charles 1st was that he was taught by James 1st (his farther), that God gave him power run the country by himself. But the British parliament didn’t agree with that so they got very angry again with him, so they cut his power and stopped him lead his army against Catholic rebels in Ireland. Charles was very angry with that idea. So now they where very angry with each other, however Charles did bring back the parliament because he found it hard to run the country all on his own, so then the parliament ...

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