Why the police were unable to catch Jack the ripper.

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Katharine Brown.


Why were the Police Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper?

In 1888, the police had to deal with the ripper murders only they weren’t very successful at all; the police were unable to catch Jack the Ripper. Even to this day the devastating period of time where a series of murders occurred is unsolved. Why were the police unable to catch him? Some of these the reasons for why are listed below.

Nobody in Whitechapel or in Britain as a whole had any idea of what they were dealing with when Polly Nicholls was murdered, so when the following murders happened there was massive panic and the crimes were never solved.


Back in 1888 the best chances of solving a crime was to catch the criminal red handed or for someone to hand them in. Back then the police spent most of there time trying to prevent crime rather than actually solving it which did work but when it came to solving a crime they weren’t so good.

In those times there was a lack of resources, detective methods developed slowly, the police had learnt the value of footprints in the early nineteenth century, but since then little progress had been made. The standard method in detective work was to follow suspicious characters. Forensic was still progressing, fingerprinting didn’t exist, wasn’t invented until 1901. DNA wasn’t around either. The lack of resources meant it was going to be very hard to find the ripper, unless he was caught in the act or someone handed him in. That wasn’t going to happen though Jack the Ripper was clever, quick and unknown to victims. They thought he was an outsider so he no one would have known who he was to be able to hand him in.

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There was a lack of experience by the police, there had never been a killer like Jack before, also they did not know he was a serial killer, in fact they would have not known what a serial killer was. The police had a standard method of inquiry, and they always focused on preventing crime not solving it. CID had only been set up for 10 years before; they were dealing with things they were unaware about. They were unprepared and inexperienced.

The police made little progress in the inquiry with Jack the Ripper; this was because ...

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