Why the USA Became Increasingly Involved In Vietnam

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By Mohima Akther


Why the USA Became Increasingly Involved In Vietnam

America became increasing involved in the affairs of Vietnam between 1954 and 1965; one of the main reasons for this was the hatred of communism, and the USA's need to control it and restrict it from spreading to other countries. The first involvement from the USA was indirect, but was still significant. They supplied the French with weapons during their war with Vietminh. The French were looking to regain rule of their previous settlement after the Japanese occupation during World War 2. In this year Ho Chi Minh, a leading communist, nationalist formed the Vietminh as a military organization. They began a guerrilla warfare campaign against the Japanese in the effort to free Vietnam from foreign rule to put into operation a Vietnamese led government. In 1946, when the French took control of Vietnam, the Vietminh continued its guerrilla warfare against them. The war between France and Vietnam lasted for 7 years, it ended with the defeat of the French, after which the French made it known in April 1954 that they wish to withdraw form Vietnam. There was a peace conference that took place at that time in Geneva; it was decided by the USA, Britain, France and the Soviet Union that Vietnam should be split at the 17th parallel, temporarily until general elections could be held. Ho Chi Minh ruled the North side of Vietnam, and Ngo Dinh Diem ruled the South, it was also decided that the French would have to withdraw from Vietnam; the Vietminh would withdraw from the South Vietnam as well, and most importantly the Vietnamese had the Right to choose either to live in the North, or the South of Vietnam.

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The French described Diem as,

"Not only incapable but mad"

It was also known by the USA that there was no intention of Diem holding a general election in 1956 furthermore the USA also knew he was very dishonest. But however the US sill supported him from 1954 onwards. The reason why USA supported him was because he was a strong anti-Communist; furthermore the USA’s worst fear was that Vietnam would become a communist country. They believed in the domino theory; the domino theory was that if one country became communist then it will spread to another until ...

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