Why was Israel able to win the wars in 1948

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Why was Israel able to win the wars
in 1948, 1956 & 1967?

         The Arab-Israeli conflict is an ongoing political and physical war between Israel and Arab nations concerning the establishment of the state of Israel. Since the late 19th century, there has been great disagreement and dispute concerning the land’s rightful inhabitants; Jews or Arabs. The disputes include a great number of wars, including the 1948 War, one of the first in a long line of wars to be fought by Israel and surrounding Arab nations, and for Israeli Jews one of the most notable establishments of the Israeli state. In 1956, The Suez Crisis took place following Egypt’s decision to nationalize the Suez Canal. Israel, Britain and France attacked Egypt and captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Canal, and Israel emerged successful yet again. Despite efforts by the United Nations, the Six Day War broke out eleven years later in 1967 and again Israel emerged victorious, this time gaining control of , the , the , the , and the . It is still debatable to which war is the most important, in terms of affecting the  of the region to this day, although it is certain that Israel’s success was due to the weaknesses of the Arabs, Israeli organization, US support and most of all Israeli motivation to win.

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        Arab weaknesses played a great part in contributing to Israel’s success. During the 1948 War of Independence, the Arab states were weak and divided. They had untrained soldiers, little or no command and their defeat was due to poor leadership, disorganization and lack of coordination. Arab states had underestimated Israeli forces,  trained by British experts, and the fact that Israelis had more experience in war, after the Second World War, was well used to their advantage. In the 1967 war, Israeli strengths and Arab weaknesses led to Arab defeat yet again. Arab armies weren't prepared well enough against Israeli forces ...

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