Why were successive Weimar Governments able to sustain Democracy during the period 1919-1933?

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Why Were Successive Weimar Governments Able To Sustain Democracy During The Period 1919-1933

Use at Least 3 Historians in your Response:

During the Period from 1919-1933 various factors contributed to Germany's government being able to sustain Democracy. The Loans borrowed after the war gave Germany financial footing and enabled them to rebuild their economy, the Groener-Ebert pact between the army and the government gave the government solid foundations to sustain Democracy, and the Stinnes-Legion Pact between workers and big business also were a major contributor to the Reichstag being able to sustain a democratic state during this period.

From the period 1919-1933, loans played a key role in allowing Germany to stay afloat financially without crumbling into economic depression. After the government surrendered and signed the treaty of Versailles, the large sums owed in borrowed money meant that economically, Germany was in a state of economic depression. Germany was falling apart, and the allies realised that they would have to do something. Germany borrowed large sums from America during this period in order to stay afloat financially. The loans helped Germany to rebuild there shattered economy and modernise and restructure there virtually unscathed industry. Coal, iron and steel production surpassed pre war figures and exports doubled. As the economy improved, more people were required to work which lead to increases in employment and standards of living. The economy recovered so quickly because Germany's territory has not been a battleground in war and therefore there was no need for costly reconstruction. Scientific improvements in steel industry led to cheaper, better quality steel which led to ship building expanding and mass production methods. It was in the period from 1924-1929, were the Reichstag gained much of its support. This period can also be known as the 'Golden Era.'

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Much of this was due to the work of Gustav Stresemann, who was chancellor of the coalition government. He played a pivotal role in Germany joining the League of Nations in 1926, which demonstrated its move out of economic depression and toward normal diplomatic status. Germany's admission was a victory for Stresemann and the republic. It was a step on the road to overcoming defeat in World War 1, and becoming once again a respected member of the world community. Stesemann's policy of fulfilment was a policy in support of German co-operation with the terms of the Treaty of ...

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