Why Were There So Many Interperatations of General Haig In WW1

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Interpretations Of General Haig?

     There are many interpretations of Haig but the two most common are that he was either a “hero of the war” or “a butcher of men”. In this essay I will explore the reasons that led to this.

    Many people saw him as a great war hero. This is because he was seen to have ensured victory. People also praised him for being the first to use tanks effectively.

    He had friends in high places as his wife was lady in waiting to the Queen. These friends were keen to portray him in a good light because they wanted to keep morale up. “His knowledge of his profession was sound and solid.”

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     But not everyone agreed with this view of Haig. After the war, when morale didn’t need to be kept up, the Prime Minister at the time, Lloyd George, spoke up and said that “Haig ordered too many bloody battles” in the war and that he was inexperienced because “He only took part in two.”(battles)

     In the 1930’s, as more and more evidence about the horror of the war began to be published, people began to see how many men Haig was responsible for killing. 60,000 soldiers were killed in the battle of the Somme ...

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