Whydid Germany recover between 1924 - 1929?

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                Frances Wood

Why did Germany recover between 1924 – 1929?

Germany recovered between 1924-1929 and had what were known as the “golden years” mainly because of the ways Gustav Stresemann helped the country to recover.

The first way he helped Germany to recover was getting other countries to trust Germany again, helping Germany to recover politically. I think that this was the most important reason for Germany’s recovery as it led to economic recovery, which led to social recovery.

The second way he helped Germany to recover was to solve hyperinflation so the country could recover economically. 

The third way he helped Germany to recover was lifting a lot of censorship, helping Germany to recover socially. Stresemann died in 1929, just before the Wall Street crash happened in America and sent Germany into another depression. Stresemann had said that the Germany economy was unstable.

Prior to Stresemann becoming foreign minister, Germany was in a depression. The Weimar government worked under a system of proportional representation, which meant that no one party managed to win more than half the votes cast. And no party got more than half the seats in the Reichstag or parliament. Since no one party was coming out top, they had to rule in a coalition, this created problems as not many of the parties wanted to work together. Germany was in an economic crisis; there was problem of hyperinflation – meaning that money was meaningless. Behind this was the fact that the other countries didn’t trust Germany anymore so it couldn’t get loans from anywhere.

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Then in 1923, Gustav Stresemann became chancellor for a brief time, and then he became foreign minister. One of Stresemann’s first acts as foreign minister was to end the policy of passive resistance in the Ruhr, which slashed government expenditure, this, along with the introduction of the rentenmark, helped Germany to recover economically. Ending passive resistance in the Ruhr also helped Germany to recover politically as it helped other countries to trust Germany again. This made it possible for Germany to negotiate payments of the reparations, which, until that point had been a drain on Germany’s economy. Other countries ...

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