With The Aid Of A Map Explain How The Schlieffen Plan Was Supposed To Be Carried Out

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Assignment A- 1st World War

Alex Warner

Q1. Explain how the Schlieffen Plan was meant to work.

A German military officer, General Alfred Von Schlieffen, made a plan for the invasion of France in 1914. It was called the Schlieffen Plan. It was drawn up in 1905.

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This plan of attack was aimed at Paris. The invasion would be made through Belgium, which was believed to be neutral at the time. Also the German’s thought that if Belgium did try to stop them, they would give little resistance.

Then the German armies would split into different forces and surround Paris. Schlieffen believed that if Paris were captured, France would fall and surrender. A maximum time for invasion was calculated at six weeks. This was because Schlieffen believed that the Russian army would take at least six weeks to mobilise. By the time the Russian’s were ...

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