Women over 30 gained the vote in 1918 mainly because of women's contributions to the war effort? Discuss.

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History  Task 3

Women over 30 gained the vote in 1918 mainly because of women’s contributions to the war effort? Discuss.

The Peoples Representation Act gave women over 30, that own there own home or are married to a homeowner the right to vote in general elections. It was the first time any woman has been given the right to vote in general elections, and it was most significant step towards complete women’s suffrage. Women have been campaigning for women’s right to vote for over 60 years until 1918. Before the war there was time of great militancy by the group of women’s campaigners, suffragettes, led by Emmeline Pankhurst. When the war started, however, various women’s suffrage groups decided that there country was more important and stopped all of their campaigns in order to help the war effort. Women became central to the war effort and home front in Britain, providing the essential work force desperately needed to sustain the army and the Kingdom. In the WW1 women challenged all the misconceptions of the time about the women’s place in the society and their abilities. They did the work previously done only by men, and they did it efficiently. They showed their patriotism by helping their country in need and bringing huge contributions to the war. It is obvious that the Britain would have lost the war if it wasn’t for the women’s efforts and their assistance. After the war society was forced to see women in the new light. Many argue that it was mostly because the war effort women did that they finally gotten the vote, as a ‘reward’ for their services.  War certainly caused many women to be more confident, and they started to see themselves in new light. Women who previously concerned themselves with running a home, children, sawing and other ‘womanly arts’ were forced to work jobs previously done by men. However, if the war was the sole reason why women were given the vote or even the main one is debatable. In this essay I will be examining what effect the WW1 had in finally gaining women the vote, and what other factors might be responsible.

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It was true that WW1 brought extraordinary change in how women were perceived and how they perceived themselves. Throughout World War One, females successfully challenged the notions of women’s prewar traditional roles and aided in the reinvention of post-war society. With the declaration of the war, and the mobilization of men, the country was stripped bare of its working force. Women became farmers, police workers, nurses, conductors and factory workers. It was obvious that women wanted to help the war effort and show there patriotism when they marched on July 17, 1915, declaring that as far as war was concerned, women ...

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