"World War Two was the result of the aggression and ambition of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party"

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“World War Two was the result of the aggression and ambition of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party”

The causes of the Second World War at bottom relate to the rise of distinction of two powers and the relative decline of another. Those that rise to distinction were Germany and Japan that – Which declined was Britain. Germany and Japan once that were ultimately prepared were now ready to alter the power structures in there perspective areas by force. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi ideologies were fascists or the more generalised term of government, Nazism. They were for a leadership approach, glorifying violence and war. With the Italian Fascists with the Germans, they provided the impulse which drove Europe into war. However they would have to get passed the treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations. Hitler would have to sign a deal under Chamberlain, where Hitler could only take back the rein land that was thought to be rightfully there’s. In no circumstances was Hitler able to build up an aggressive army as Woodrow suggested in the forming of the League. There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany were very ambitious. When Hitler came in May 1933, less than six months after the Nazi seizure of Power, Hitler gave his first speech on foreign policy. He admitted that Germany had reason to be dissatisfied with the Versailles Peace Treaty, but did not mention the Possibility of war. Hitler claimed that his government stood for stability and peace in Europe and he denied any territorial ambitions.  As we all know this did not happen. It is essential in Nazi foreign policy not to lose sight in the key elements of Hitler’s ideas, which were based on his belief of Social Darwinism and ideologies. There is no doubt that Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party had strict principles on foreign policy which contributed to the major cause of World War Two. 

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The Nazi Party was founded in 1919. For much of the 1920’s it was an insignificant party. Lead by Adolph Hitler, it had policies including racialist extreme, the destruction of the treaty at Versailles, Living space for Germany (particularly in the East), the end of a Weimar Republic and a Social Revolution.

In 1923, Hitler and his followers failed to take power by force and was imprisoned in Lansbach Castle, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Setting out his main ideas. In the 1928 Election the Nazi’s performed very poorly polling only 2.6% of the vote. However, five years ...

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