Benefits of using my IT system in the Travel Agents.

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ICT is very beneficial to use because it supports people in a variety of ways e.g. if you are working in a travel agency then you won’t need to search through your filling cabinets instead you will just have to create a database using ICT on Microsoft Access. This is advantageous because it is less time consuming. ICT is good when it comes to solving problems because when a new company starts, they would want to advertise. The solution to this is ICT because they will need to use ICT to design leaflets and they can also advertise on the internet.

The difference between ICT and other methods is that when you  use ICT you are using a computer and by using a computer you can do your things in a more professional manner and it will be less time consuming therefore you can get your things done without worrying and save more time.  On the contrary, if you do your things by hand or any other method then it is obvious that it will consume a lot more time and if you make errors you won’t realise therefore your work will not look professional.

Alternative Method of Completing my Task

You can complete your task in variable ways, one of them is:

Benefits and Drawbacks of the System

My system has certain advantages and certain disadvantages which are stated below:

Effects of New System

The new system will affect the travel agency, employees and even the customers and I have written how they will be affected in the table below.

Training Staff

There are three ways of training your staff for certain amount of people;

  • 1-3

If you have 1-3 people then you can send them to a college and pay for them to do an ICT course. This will not be too expensive because the maximum amount of people you will have is 3 and each person will cost at least £600.

  • 4-6

If you have 4-6 people then you can’t afford to send them to a college because it will be too expensive, so the solution to this is that you can pay an expert staff member to teach them. This will be beneficial because you are saving on a lot of your money.

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  • 7+

          If you have more than 7 people then you can have separate training sessions where they will learn what they need to be an employee and after each session you can do an exam at the end of training and whosoever succeeds the exam then let them be your employees. This will be worth it because you won’t have any inexperienced.


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