Creating a computer system for a mobile phone shop.

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Description of the Problem

I own a small mobile phone shop in Darlington.  The shop is contracted to sell Orange® phones on contract.  Whenever I sell a phone, I have to take the buyers details and the details of the phone they have bought and store them.  If this information is not stored and updated correctly, then I will lose my license to sell Orange® contract phones.  This would lose me a lot of money and I may even go bankrupt because of it.  Orange have already contacted me and brought this problem to my attention and they are requesting that I take action to fix this problem as soon as possible.

At the moment I store all my customers’ details on paper, in a locked filing cabinet.  This is a problem as every so often papers are lost/misplaced.

My new system will have to be simple to use so that data can be entered quickly and efficiently.  The system will have to be easily maintainable eg.  If something goes wrong it will be easy to repair/correct.  The system will have to be relatively cheap and not costs thousands of pounds to create.


I have to store the customer’ details and the features of the phone I have just bought. This data needs to be easily accessible, if Orange® requires me to produce it quickly. At the moment this is not easy as the filing cabinet is not very organised, and often papers get lost or accidentally destroyed.

I am hoping to have a system where I can quickly access the data I need, I need to be able to do this efficiently and without problems occurring.

I could solve the problem by using a number of different methods. I could create a good filing cabinet system, where customers’ details are stored alphabetically and always in order. Using this method, it should be quite easy to find the data I wanted. However, to create a backup of this data, it would take up space and the paper would cost money to buy, reducing the profits of the company.

I could solve the problem using Spreadsheet software on a computer (Such as Microsoft Excel).        This would make the data easily and quickly available, but these programs are not specifically designed to store data. Spreadsheet software does have all the features I need, but I am not familiar with using the program for storing data and accessing it quickly. I normally use spreadsheet software for storing the accounts for the shop.

The final way to solve the problem is by using Database software (eg. Microsoft Access). As the name implies this software is made for storing and accessing data. This would be perfect for my needs, as I need to store the customers’ data, and access it quickly. I could use the software to create forms to enter the data, and then quickly create reports showing the specific information I need. As this system is computerized, it would also be easy to email the data to Orange if they specifically asked for it.

After considering fully all the possible solutions, I believe that using Database software would be my best option, as I could create the database fairly quickly, and it would not take up any extra space in the office. I could instantly access the data, and print out reports showing the information I needed. This way, the presentation of the data would be consistent throughout my system, whereas if I were using paper it could just be notes jotted down. Using computers is much more professional, and shows to Orange that I am taking their request seriously.


In order for my solution (the database) to be successful it will have to be able to do a number of things...

1. Be simple and easy to use so that new employees can be quickly trained in how to use it. New employees need to be able to quickly get the hang of using the database, so that they can work as efficiently as possible.

2. Make the data easily accessible. The data needs to be easily accessible so that if someone rings up, then we can supply them with information as quickly and efficiently as possible. Orange might ask to see a list of our customers, we need to be able to provide that data quickly and efficiently.

3. Make entering new data easy, and also editing data that has already been entered. It needs to be easy to enter data so that it can be entered quickly, and with as few mistakes as possible. If the system was complicated then it would be hard to enter the data efficiently.

4. Let me select the data I need to see by using a menu. This is linked to “Make the data easily accessible” because I need to be able to select data without complications, and in the simplest of ways possible, a graphical menu system.

5. It will have to aid the user with input by providing “masks” that make it easier to enter data. For example when entering a customer’s post code…

6. Needs to create reports which show:-

  • All the customer’s details
  • A specific customers details (for the Data Protection Act)
  • All the people with a specific feature (games, wap etc.)

These reports need to professional looking and show all the data required in a presentable format.

Design of the ICT system

Within my database, there will be three tables :-

tblCustomers – the table containing the information about my customers, phones are not mentioned in this table. It will include features such as Name, Address etc.

tblPhones – the table containing the phone information, such as Phone Name and, Phone ID

tblFeatures – the table containing the different features of each phone. It will include check boxes such as Wap, Games, Camera etc.

This is how my three tables will be connected…

The tblCustomers will be linked to the tblFeatures in a one-to-many relationship. The relationship between the Customers table and the features table, in which each customer can have many features, but each feature is related to only one customer.

The tblPhones is linked to the tblFeatures in a on-to-many relationship because a phone model can be bought by more than one customer, but each customer can choose different features.

This is how I decided what fields would be in each table. First, I made an initial list of fields I thought were appropriate. Then I added and expanded these ideas in my 1st Normal Form. In 2nd Normal Form, I refined these fields and deleted any fields I decided were not needed/suitable.

TblCustomers Initial List                   TblCustomers 1st NF                TblCustomers 2nd NF

Join now!

Name                                         First Name                        First Name          

Age                                        Middle Initial                        Middle Initial

Address                                Surname                        Surname        

Postcode                                Age                                DOB

Home Phone number                        House Name/Number                House Name/Number

Photo of Customer                        Street                                Street

                                        Town/City                        Town/City

                                        Area                                Area        

                                        Postcode                        Postcode

                                        Home Phone number                Home Phone number

                                        Gender                                Gender

                                        Email Address                        Email Address        

                                        DOB                                CustomerID (primary key)

                                        CustomerID (primary key)

                                        Photo of Customer

TblFeatures Initial List                TblFeatures 1st NF                TblFeatures 2nd NF

WAP/Internet                                WAP/Internet                        WAP/Internet?

Colour Screen                                Colour Screen                        Colour Screen?

Picture messaging                        Picture messaging                Picture messaging

Games                                        Digital Camera                Digital Camera

Downloadable Ringtones                Games                                Games

SMS Messages                        Screensavers                        Screensavers

Infra-red                                Infra-red                        Downloadable Ringtones                                                Downloadable Ringtones        Customer ID

                                        SMS Messages                Phone ID

                                        Customer ID

                                        Phone ID

TblPhones Initial List                TblPhones 1st NF                TblPhones 2nd NF

Phone ID                                Phone ID                        Phone ID        

Phone Model                                Phone Model                        Phone Model                                                        





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