Database Hajj&Umrah travel agency

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In the past few weeks there have been a few complications and problems with the database in the Hajj & Umrah travel agency called Elkadi Tours. This is the problem that the manager at the agency in Central London has approached me with. These agency chains have been running for roughly fifteen years and this particular agency has been running for ten years, with hardly any complaints.

The manager, Mr. Osman Yusuf has suggested that I make a database, which could hold all of the various parts of the information needed for everyday applications for various visas and tickets. There have been various problems concerning ticket and visa application. This is what I am here to try and sort out. The problem is becoming quite serious now and the respectable agency chain is starting to lose business because of the businesses faults. At the moment, the chain is using a filing cabinet, which is not a very good idea because people cannot read each other's writing and then the staff are trying to book tickets when that particular airline is fully booked or visas have been re-applied for this is becoming time-consuming for the respective company. This cannot keep going on as complaints have been now encountered. Another problem is that the file paper is easy to lose and the booking sheets often become dirty and then illegible. Drinks may often also be spilled over the booking sheet, which makes it unreadable, and all the booking information will be lost which is very serious. There are also so many bits of paper, nearly all different every week. By the end of the year there are hundreds of bits of paper, because staff assistants could not find the week's sheet and started a new one.


The problem evidently exists because there have been certain problems and complaints. A few weeks ago, a family of 3 went to the agency, to all buy hajj packages. They found the package they wanted and took them to the desk and asked for them. The attendant agreed and looked at the sheet with the bookings on. He stated that the package is sold out according to the sheet, so they could not go to hajj that year because they could not afford any of the other packages. One week later, the family received a letter saying they had missed their flight, and they were to be fined due to this. The family made a complaint to the manager and that is why I am here.

Here is a picture of the worksheet from a few months ago, which is very unclear and hard to read quickly. This is where the problem was last time. The worksheet is also not very detailed and is not filled in properly.



5* Accommodation


4* Accommodation


3* Accommodation


2* Accommodation


As you can see the table is not at all clear and lacks a lot of information. Other information is on different pieces of paper, like the address and names of the members.


To further help me achieve the best possible results and obtain a quick response to Mr. Yusuf, I would like to have an interview with him and any one of his customers.

Interview (End User)

Me: So Mr. Yusuf you tell me you have many problems with the current booking system in your company.

Mr. Yusuf: Yes this is correct, and due to this I am losing many customers. They are getting deeply frustrated by our errors. In some cases we get sued by our customer, which costs the company a lot of money.

Interview (Customer)

Me: I am led to believe that your bookings for hajj last year was cancelled due to a mistake by Elkadi Tours, is this true?

Customer: Yes, my family and I were outraged.


The manager (Mr. Osman Yusuf) will be the main user for the system but the staff will obviously have to sell the packages. The worksheets will then be stored in a filing cabinet, but this time they will be every month or week instead of one every day. The template will be the same every week or month so that they will be easy to see and use. Once a sheet has been filled in it will be stored in a locked filing cabinet.


The advantages of using a computer are that:

* It is quicker to type than write.

* It is neater and the layout is always the same.

* You can print multiple copies of the sheet.

* The sheet can't be ruined or get dirty if it is on the computer.

* It is easier to read.

* Mistakes can be corrected.

These factors are very important and will help the company in the long run. It will be easier to read and to take in. These reasons are all very positive and they are all very important.


I am going to use a database software program to solve this problem, though this does not mean that it is the best way. There are other possibilities, like doing it by hand but smartening it up, but this is not practical because the worksheets can still get lost and muddled up. Employing more staff is also another option, but then this would prove too expensive, and it is more efficient with an actual program to run the hotel bookings from.


I will use many parts of hardware to access information and enter information. For example I will use:

* Keyboard - To enter data, i.e. numbers, text

* Mouse - To click on icons and options

* Monitor - To look at the data visually on the screen

* CD - To save on to a CD-ROM


I will be using a software program called Microsoft Access, which is a very respectable and accurate program for entering data onto a database. The data can then be analysed or changed to suit the users' needs. It is a highly versatile software program, which is used by many businesses and companies. I will be using other software programs like Microsoft Word to write up reports of the agency system to show how the agency chain is doing with the new system. For example, how many complaints have been encountered and so on


Other software will not be appropriate because it does not have the same properties as Microsoft Access. For example I could not use any software like Microsoft Word because I would have to make my own cells and it would not be accurate because it was not made for a database. This could still work but it would not be as easy or accurate. Another program that could be used is Microsoft Works and then go into the spreadsheet section. This can be converted into a database by moving cells and changing the data. A lot of training might also be needed to work these because they are not made to suit databases. I would use Microsoft Access over any of the other database software programs because it is a well known software program and it is easy to use with not a lot of training.


The system must be able to display the correct information. For example, I need to make sure that the system shows the amount of bookings that have been made, the airlines and the visa number of the package and the dates of departure and arrival. It should then make a record of all the bookings of the past previous six months. The system must be easy to use and work. The system should also be able to produce graphs of the progress encountered in the first few weeks of the program launch. The objectives are as follows:

* To be able to present accurate information

* To be able to be replicated, e.g. printing

* To be quick and easy to use, to reduce queuing and phone call times

* To be able to reduce customer complaints considerably about booking

* To be able to withhold information about booking i.e. visa number


I will need to research databases because I need to find out what all databases have and what they don't have etc. For example, I would only put certain information into the database and likewise I would need to add certain information. This would enable me to get a better idea of what needs to be done. I will also need to research information about the agency, like for example the different type of packages they have at the agency and also the time the embassy allow there visas to be acquired out for the pilgrims and the data would have to be correct otherwise there would be a lot of confusion. The data like booking times will come from the manager. Other information like correct customer details will come from previous workbooks that are clear and legible. Because of the state of the workbook, it will all be checked with the manager's overall logbook of customers to make sure that they are all correct. I will be interviewing the staff at the agency to get the information I need. Though this interview is not very relevant, it needs to be done to access the correct information. The manager, Mr. Osman Yusuf will also be answering questions about the actual agency information rather than the customer information.


I will have to consider the use of various formats and tools to enable the database to be of a good quality. For example, I will use mail merge to send out letters to save time. This can be accessed easily and the mail merge format will have to be used at the very beginning when a letter is being sent out about the new system being activated within Elkadi Tours. Reports will also have to be considered, as a report will be sent to the manager every month on the progress and how the system is doing. Tables will also be a big part of the reports in the sense that every month, a graph or table will accompany the report to show progress.


When entering data, I will need to think about many things including:

* Where it comes from

* When it will be entered

* Why it needs to be entered

* What format will it be in

The data like booking times and so on will come from the manager himself, Mr Osman Yusuf. Other data like personal customer information will come from the staff but originally it will come from previous accounts. Passport numbers and customer details of all applicants will be entered at the beginning of each application because it is the basis to the whole database. The personal information like home address numbers will be entered in nearer the end because that information will go on top of the information like passport data. For example, the passport data will have to be entered before the booking can be made with personal information. All of the above information needs to be entered because it is vital that the agency has the information of its customers in case of an emergency or something similar or because they have missed there bookings. Passport data will need to be entered because otherwise the bookings would become muddled and confused and there would be no point in the database. Passport numbers will obviously have to be entered in numbers but all other information will be entered in text format. The data protection act has to be taken seriously whilst the database is being created. For example sensitive information like customers addresses information will have to have a data protection format on i.e. a password so that nobody apart from senior staff will be able to access the data. This makes sure that people's private information like addresses never gets to become in the hands of the public so there are less risks. This means that information will have to be checked. For example, a member of staff will attempt to access private information once the protection format has been entered to check it. It also means that I have to be careful in the sense that I need to make sure that I don't leave any personal information with out a password.


Throughout the database formats like text, currency and numbers will be used. Passport numbers and the addresses for the customers will be in text and numbers, text for other information like the name of the package will make up the database. Only data that actually needs to be entered in will be entered in so there will not be many different data formats.


Mr. Yusuf will need to give me the following data:

* A list of all the different packages. I will acquire this from him so each package can have its exclusive package ID.

* Customer information will be vital, so when customers acquire a package they will have an exclusive customer ID.

* Passport numbers are imperative, in order to distinguish different nationalities and ages (due to the Saudi government's rules).


* Text - Can be entered in a box or just as a paragraph

* Numbers - Used to express numbers quickly. 6 instead of six e.g. 2,7

* Formulae - Used for working out sums in a database =sum(d2:d4)

* Date - Date work to see when it was done e.g. dd/mm/yy

* Currency - To write many different currencies without doing it manually e.g. £ $

* Time - Write the time like the data e.g. hh/mm

* Tables - To create graphs or express data clearly


Then new system must be able to perform the following tasks:

* To allow customer, package, and passport details to be input, looked up, edited and stored quickly, easily and accurately.

* Allow Customer-Package and Customer-Booking tables to be input.

* Search for cheap packages, flights and hotels.

* Produce letters to customers that have bought any package.


Mr Yusuf gave me a worksheet with all the recordings of the company's bookings and their description and he gave me his exact expectations of the new system.

The system:

* Must have a customer, passport, package, customer-package and customer-passport form.

* Must have a main menu.

* Must be able to store at least 10 customer records.

* Must be able to store at least 10 passport records.

* Must be able to store at least 10 package records.

* Must be able to store at least 10 customer-package records.

* Must be able to store at least 10 customer-passport records.

* Must be able to add, edit and delete records.

* Must be able to produce print outs of packages.

* Must record all types of packages and their descriptions.

* Must look good with colours and be easy to use.

* Must have buttons on it to etc. open form and close form.

* Must have a main menu.

* Must be user-friendly and easy to understand.

* The letter (Invoice) must find correct customers details.

* The letter (Invoice) must include customer first and surname, title, address and post code.

* The Letter (Invoice) must include a heading of the company.

The letter (Invoice) must look attractive and professional


To further enhance the database I would like to pass the following questionnaire (below) to all staff at Elkadi-Tours.


. Do you have any previous knowledge or experience with databases?

YES ( NO (

2. On a scale of 1-10, how much knowledge or experience have you had with databases?

1 ( 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( 6 ( 7 ( 8 ( 9 ( 10 (

3. Would you have said that it is vital that the database is important?

YES ( NO (

4. Do you think that the agency chain, in your opinion is running well without a database system installed?

YES ( NO (


5. Do you think that it is a good idea to install a database program onto the computers?

YES ( NO (

Join now!

6. Do you feel that the agency chain can continue successfully without a database system installed?

YES ( NO (


7. Please state any other questions, feelings or queries below


Thank you for your time and cooperation...

This is quite a short questionnaire, but this gathers all of the details that I need to successfully make my database. This questionnaire enables me to make vital decisions i.e. whether the database should be simple and easy to use or not. A lot of my information and data will come from here.

This is a preview of the whole essay