Database - In this report I plan to type out all the information, which I had researched. This will include the video tables, membership table and the loans table. The information I will use in the video table is video number, video title,

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Zuber Din Mir


Leytonstone School


Database Report.


A database is a collection of related data items, which are structured and linked so that the data can be accessed in a number of ways.

The function of a database is to hold information on a computer. Often the information stored is very large and it would take a long time for us to search through if it was written on paper. Holding the information in a database enables us to search very quickly and to sort the information easily. All this information is for my video store.


In this report I plan to type out all the information, which I had researched. This will include the video tables, membership table and the loans table. The information I will use in the video table is video number, video title,

The information I will use in the membership table is the membership number, surname, forename, address, postcode, gender, age, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail, and fax. The information I will use in the loans table is loans ID, membership number, video number, date out, date due and returned.

I will also be creating the database table, when creating a new database, I will first have to list all the fields needed (above). For each field decide what type of data it will be, for example age will be a number field. I will also have to be careful with some fields that appear to be numeric fields but are actually text fields, telephones fall into this category. If this field is chosen as a number field, the leading zero at the start of the area code may be removed and any space included between the numbers may cause an error.

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I will now describe database fields. Each record of a database contains fields where the information can be stored. When a new database is being designed, many database packages request the user to specify the type of data that will be entered into each of the fields.

The different types of fields include:

  • Auto Number     - automatic number,
  • Text field            - letters or numbers,
  • Number field      - numbers that can be used for statistics or calculations.
  • Date/Time field  - these fields are specifically designed to store dates ...

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