Database project

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Farhat Hasan                Page

Database Project

Project Proposal

I propose to create a database for my user, the Manager of a plane rental company to help his plane renting system; this rental system will solve all his problems that he currently has with a paper based system. The new system will be quicker, more accurate and use less storage space then the old system. The many problems my user has with the current system includes that it is time consuming, as you cannot search by any table. For example if you are looking for everyone who rented something out in April you will have to look for it as everything may be stored under first name of the customer. There are other problems such as the records can easily be lost or misplaced as it is on a piece of paper. Also all the pieces of paper added up needs a lot of storage space and eventually my user will have to get rid of many of the records.

I will finish this unit between 19 April and 21 July 2006. To do this work I will need a workstation and a printer so my user can see my progress. The software I require is a database for obvious reasons and a word processor to type up my report. I will analyse the situation then implement my solution and test that it works. After this I can evaluate my process and go through the mistakes I have made and how I have overcome them.  




∙ My user is Mr. Abedin the Managing Director of the company.

∙ The company is called I Believe I Can Fly.  

∙ It charters planes to private and business customers.

∙ Minimum hire time is 3 days.

∙ Maximum hire time is 35 days.

∙ The standard hire time is 15 days.

  The problems with users current system, which is paper based are:

∙ Time consumption when searching for a specific item.

∙ Storing space for the filing cabinets.

 The user needs to pay someone to organise the paper-based system, which is constantly being added to.

 The papers are easily lost or misplaced.

 It is very difficult to find what you are looking for.

 You can’t search by any table; you can only search what it is stored by for example the customer name.

User Needs

These are the user needs:


  • He wants to be able to enter new customers to the database and edit them.
  • He wants to be able to enter new planes to the database and be able to edit them
  • He wants to be able to enter new rentals to the database and edit them.


He would like, at any time, to be able to quickly and easily view and print out

  1. A list of all the customers and their contact details.
  2. A list of all planes that are currently rented out and who by.
  3. A list of all the planes that are overdue and who by.
  4. A list of all rentals for a particular day.        


Entity Relationship

I will have 3 tables in my database:

  1. Planes
  2. Rentals
  3. Customers

This is the relationship between the 3 tables:

Detailed Field Design




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Data control

Input, processing and output needs


This is the data that I will be processing:

tbl Customers

tbl Planes

tbl rentals


To satisfy user needs I will need to create:

  1. 3 related tables; customers, planes, rentals.
  2. 3 forms for entering customers, planes and rentals record
  3. 3 queries, to search for:
  1. Current rentals (planes on loan to customers)

The search criteria will be:

Returned = No

  1. Overdue planes (planes taken out but not returned before the due back   ...

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