GNVQ intermediate ict unit 2 database

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Unit 2- Handling information

Database Report

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I am going to create a database for a cinema organiser/manager to help them keep on task with the cinema club that the students go to, an up to date with their members. At the moment the data is held on a paper based document, this can cause problems because paper can easily be lost or damaged and back-ups are some times impossible or hard to deal with because to copy all the information out again will take a long time. My database will be electronic, which means I can save changes and make back-up copies of the data easily. My database will allow them to do searches and queries to find data. The database is going to include a list of names, genders, addresses and telephone files. This database will be professional, reliable and easy to use; particularly if the owner does not know the necessary ICT skills. The database will be able to print out reports and present data.

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The user will need the necessary software and hardware to run the software and also a printer to print out reports. They will need to have a back up storage facility e.g. another drive, memory sticks or floppy disks.

The plan of my database

Plan for the Card Holder Table:

Plan for the Schools Table:

Setting up the database

I choose to set up the tables in design view, so that I could control how the tables were going to be formatted. After opening the design view the blank design form ...

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