GNVQ Sports Catalogue Group.

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Komal Kumari        Spreadsheet Specification        Unit 3

GNVQ Sports Catalogue Group

The GNVQ Sports Catalogue Group is a reasonable sized business that sells a wide variety of mail order sporting goods. The GNVQ Sports Catalogue Group store their customers and product details on paper. The paper-based method is time consuming because on a spreadsheet the calculations are done for you automatically (when you have entered in the function) and all you have to do is print the final outcome of the data. When it is paper based you will have lots of papers and you have to do the calculations by hand. That is why I must design a spreadsheet that meets customer requirements.

The GNVQ Sports Catalogue Group store their customers and product details in paper. The paper-based method is time consuming because on a spreadsheet the calculations are done for you automatically (when you have entered in the function) and all you have to do is print the final outcome of the data. When it is paper based you will have lots of papers and you have to do the calculations by hand.

To meet the users needs the spreadsheet must be the following things: -

  • Make it easy to use.
  • Create macros to make the user use less buttons.

To produce a good spreadsheet, good use of at least six or more complex spreadsheet facilities.

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Here is the information that has to be inputted into the spreadsheet


The data that has to be inputted into the spreadsheet are the following.

The data that has to be inputted into the Customer table comes from the customer. The details of the customer must include: -

  • Customer name
  •  Address
  •  Postal code
  •  Phone number
  •  ID number
  • E-mail address

Another spreadsheet must give details about sport products that the company needs to order.

The information that needs to be presented: -

  • Product identification number
  • Product name
  • Product description
  • ...

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