How ICT helps people with special needs Kate Anderson is a student at Cyril Jackson Primary school. Her legs and both arms are physically disabled.

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How ICT helps people with special needs

Kate Anderson is a student at Cyril Jackson Primary school. Her legs and both arms are physically disabled. She is also partially deaf. She is extremely dependant on her wheelchair to help her with everyday life. Paralysis is failure of muscle function. It is usually caused by damage to the nervous system or spinal cord. This prevents messages being sent to the brain. In this case Kate Anderson's arms and legs are paralyzed. Deafness means lack of sensitivity to sound. The next paragraph will explain how deafness is caused:

"Sound waves vary in amplitude and in frequency. Amplitude is the sound waves highest point of oscillation. Frequency is the speed of sound divided by the wavelength of the sound wave, which is referred to as the pitch of the sound. Therefore losing the ability to detect some frequencies, or very soft sounds, that an organism naturally detects, creates some form of hearing impairment."

I will put the technologies which Kate Anderson uses in three categories:

* Personal Use

* School Use

* Social Use.

Personal use

Electronic wheelchair

Kate Anderson finds her wheelchair extremely handy as it has aided her in much of her work. With her wheelchair she can remain mobile, travel around, change speed and she finds it extremely easy to use.
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The great uses of Kate Anderson's wheelchair are that she can plug a games console in her wheelchair and she can get access to the internet because she has a computer attached to her chair. She finds that her electronic wheelchair gives her much more support than her normal wheelchair. It also senses dangerous obstacles and has automatic brakes.

She controls her wheelchair by moving her joystick which is attached to the arm of her wheelchair. She also has a navigation screen which shows the obstacles coming. Kate Anderson uses a wheelchair lift to access different ...

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