I. C. T. - creating a record system.

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I. C. T.



        As I was walking back from my last college day before the Easter holidays, I saw a notice hanging which attracted my attention; it said the following:

        When I got home, immediately I contacted them and made an appointment. The vice- principal, since it was him whom I talked to, told me to come the following day for the reason that the work had to be finished in this holiday. Like I was told I arrived there the following day. It turned out that the vice-principal wanted me to make a record system because a if any student from this school was to enter any college they needed to show the school report of the whole year including the results of all the tests taken in the whole year. The vice-principal told me that to do this manually was a big headache because first of all it would be time consuming and also space consuming, sometimes you needed a record at a few different places, and so it was there when most the things used to get lost. And keeping duplicates would waste a lot of space etc.

        The system that I am going to make shouldn’t be too difficult otherwise the staff would find it hard to use it, the system should also be simple and attractive this will give the user a bit of rest. Firstly I will make 4 record systems as the college only needs the reports of the 4 main subjects, i.e. English, Science, Maths and I.C.T. Further I will include the following in the system:


  1. Mock examination results.
  2. Class results.
  3. Exam Results/Expected results.


        It appeared to be that they already had a record system; therefore they had a few programs that may benefit me. The most suitable package I found is Microsoft Excel. The reason why I have chosen this package rather then any other package like “Corel Spreadsheets” or “Spreadsheets Pro 7.6”; is that firstly I am more familiar with it and secondly it has many more facilities. Also I found another package which will give them a few ideas how it might look like; “Microsoft Works”.

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        As for hardware/software there won’t be any problem as I go down their office every day to do my work, so the application will be the same. I will be using a Windows XP, Pentium IV for my processor. For backup I might use a CD-R because you can’t delete data in any form, or I might use a memory card that you can update always. Both these options are much better and safer than storing data in floppy-disks, firstly a floppy has got many ways to be damaged and secondly it has only 1.44 MB as compared to ...

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