I will describe the software used for the hotel systems. I will show how the systems are linked together. I will describe the main hardware used by the hotel.

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My objectives

I will describe the five main components of several of the hotel systems.

By “five main components”, I mean:

  1. Input
  2. Process
  3. Output
  4. Storage
  5. Network

I will describe the software used for the hotel systems.

I will show how the systems are linked together.

I will describe the main hardware used by the hotel.


The hotel has given me a list of software it uses. I will include this list later on in my report.

The hotel is made up of 170 rooms of which 150 are on 3 floors of 50 and 1 floor of 20. each floor has the following systems:

  • Key system
  • Environment system
  • VOD, telephone
  • Internet access
  • Minibar

Key system

When a customer checks in at the hotel reception, the receptionist gives them a key.

The key is the same size as a credit card and is made out of plastic with a magnetic strip. This strip stores the correct code needed to release the lock. The computer into which you are swiping the card is of a very low voltage which prevents any danger to the guest. If it was a computer of standard voltage there is a risk of electric shock. The computer sends the code to the server via loop areal.

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Input 1 = The code is sent to the computer in the lock by the building management server.

Input 2 = the key card is put into the lock

Process = the codes are compared

Outputs = if the codes from the card and lock match, the lock will open, if they don’t match then the door will remain closed

Storage = the code is sent onto the flash memory. You could consider using a small hard disc or volatile memory. But volatile memory wouldn’t work because as soon as the door was opened it would lose all its memory. A hard disc wouldn’t ...

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