Identify stage of Database Coursework Model Agency records

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Amit Singh Bhopal 10B

STRiDE models



Background Details

Jenny has recently opened a Modelling Agency. Since there are no other businesses like hers nearby, commerce is booming. Firstly, the modelling agency advertises in the yellow pages. The potential models then ring up and arrange an interview. The interview is arranged and completed and then the model pays a fee for a photo shoot ( £200) the modelling agency then records all of the models details (name, age, height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, nationality and address manually using paper and pen to create a seperate record for each model) and then the model’s file is stored in a filing cabinet. The model’s details are stored in the cabinet until a client requests a model that matches with a specific set of attributes. The secretary then searches for the models that have the right attributes and makes a list. When the list has been created, the secretary phones up the client with the various models and an agreement is reached over the model(s) that are most appropriate for the shoot. These model(s) are then sent a letter to them by post with details of the location time and date stated. The letter is made using an electric typewriter. If the client decides on a particular model, they are notified of the booking. If the model agrees to do the shoot, a reply (either a phone call or a letter) is received. After all this, the secretary notes down in the models booking in her file and it are returned to the filing cabinet. Client’s details are recorded on a simple filing system, like the one used for the models, with a single file for each client. Each client file contains details of previous bookings, their location, their contact name and a telephone.

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Statement of the problem

The problem is that because she is not the most organised of people, she has arranged her models in alphabetical order in a file cabinet, which is extremely bulky. Each of her models has a folder. In this folder there are: each model’s details are hand written on a piece of paper (this includes name, age, height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, nationality and address all in no particular order), a recent photo and past clients. Also because of successful business, many models are signing up. It takes approximately 15 minutes to create a ...

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