In today’s world where technology is constantly developing and changing there are bound to be flaws in what we create, or people who disagree with carrying out what our technology is capable of doing.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Electronic Systems

In today’s world where technology is constantly developing and changing there are bound to be flaws in what we create, or people who disagree with carrying out what our technology is capable of doing.

Such as CCTV, this provides a great services for capturing criminals and monitoring our safety but can also be taken to the extreme and can violate someone’s privacy such as in the 1999 film Eye of the Beholder starring Ewan McGregor and Ashley Judd, or in an everyday instance where a security guard sets his cameras on you in a shop. Now that we have cameras that can zoom in so close, work in the dark and are tiny we have no way of detecting their presence or escaping their lens, this may be exactly what we need for vandals or thieves but is this really the price we have to pay to be safe? We have to trust whoever is in charge of these surveillance devices and more often than not we won’t know who that is or where their cameras are.

The Internet, however, has no way of keeping its users safe. While providing a great source of knowledge and insight, merely typing in a url wrong can lead to a whole lot of unpleasant and unexpected material. Some internet service providers have added ‘Internet Grannies’ to their wide range or software to keep children safe. These ‘grannies’ do their best to filter out sites with adult content, however most people with websites do not bother getting the appropriate ratings to say that their site contains offensive things – or does not contain offensive things as the case may be.

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As this screen dump shows, users can decide whether sites with no rating can be seen or not. This means perfectly harmless sites with no rating can be blocked or the user can access grotesque acts of vulgarity by allowing sites with no rating to be shown, and with new sites popping up all the times it would be impossible to try and keep up with them. There are features to deter people from looking at such ...

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