Negative effects of Computers And The Internet On Society.

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Negative effects of Computers And The Internet On Society

Nowadays, computer is praised as an incredible intellectual tool in our society. It play such a big role in our everyday life and give the workplace, education, entertainment, healthcare, and communication a complete change.  Allow us to do things faster, more efficiently and more professionally than ever before.  However, there is cost comes along with all these advantages.  Although computer has the potential to enhance the equality of human life; it is, at the same time, the cause of many society’s problems.  Computer addiction has resulted in changing our lifestyles and social value.  Numbers of computer crimes are countless; which is threatening many of our privacy protections.  Many jobs permanently eliminated, millions of people become unemployed.  Health risks increased as the overuse of computers.  Computer has influenced every aspect of people's lives.   It can directly affect our life, our behavior and our thinking in a very negative way.

        The Internet is the largest global network and database where anyone can access limitless information at anytime and anywhere. It is the greatest invention in the century and it has grown in a very rapid rate.  This information highway has taken us into the information age and gives us the power of knowledge.  Allow us to exposure the things that we might have never seen.  We can use internet to perform incredible variety of tasks.  We can find out information about weather, road conditions, news or anything that can help with dairy life.  We can manage our personal banking account online, gamble in casinos, watch movies, and even do shopping.  We can do all of these activities in the comfort of our own home.

However, the problem is some people become highly compulsive and addictive in the use of the computers and internet.  The internet has become more popular and it is an exciting way of relating to the world. There are currently hundred million people being online worldwide.  This number is growing by ten thousand new subscribers everyday in United States alone.  With one click of a bottom, countless numbers of things can be explored on the net.  It is so excited to be online and for this reason; some people cannot control their usage and lost the balance.  Computer addicts spend most of their time on the net; they neglect other important activities such as time spends with their friend and family, and even forget to sleep and eat.  For them, internet has become the means of escaping boredom, fear, reality and responsibility.  There are new study indicating that heavy Internet use increases depression, social isolation, family separation, marital problems, and reduced job performance.  Some people lose in the “Cyber Community” and forgetting the real world.  In the virtual world, they can hide or modify their social identity.  They addicted to the “online interaction”, like ICQ, e-mail and chat room.   People who with low self-esteem can create false identity in the electronic communication..  They prefer to chat with people online rather then talk to people in face to face.  After a long period, without a sense of identity, they may have difficulty to communicate with others in the real world.  This can negatively affect marriages, families and relationship.  

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The youth and children who become addicted to online game can directly affect their academic and working performance.  There is research indicate that some children spend 30 hours per week on computer game.  Once they start, they are unable to stop playing.  Moreover, we cannot control the youth and children to watch the violence and pornographic web sites.  There is no universal set of rules and restricted laws to guideline these things happen.  In addition, not only youth and children, some parents neglect their kids for spending most of the time on the net.  Some may addicted to online gambling ...

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