Payments Spreadsheet task. - formulas and fomatting

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Assignment B3

  1. Introduction

  1. Choice of application:-

  • The applications required in this task are Excel, Word and Internet. . The three applications are suitable because they have particular features such as excel has features like validation, conditional formatting, formatting cells which allow you to change cells into a particular function for example currency, percentage  also alignment of the text , font, borders , patterns etc. These features make your spreadsheet more efficient and accurate they make it easier for you to record results with ease also to keep a record which is up to date.  The application Word is suitable because it has good features like word art, word count, spell check etc. These features are necessary to write report to make sure no spelling mistakes, certain amount of words (no overwriting), good titles and right structured into paragraphs, and most of all the feature of re-reading through your work. The internet explorer is needed to obtain data and this would require website and search engines where you need to search and collect websites from where data was obtained. All these applications are required in the two tasks.

Payments Spreadsheet

  1. Where and how the data was obtained:-

  • I obtained the data from a pupil database where I had to sort out data according to teachers name and as the names of pupils where in order I copied and pasted the name on to the spreadsheet.

  1. Description of formula used:-

  • This spreadsheet uses few formulas which are needed to calculate totals, average and outbalance. Different functions are needed to workout different information, to calculate the running total per pupil, overall collected each month and the outbalance per pupil, I used the function Sum. In order for me to workout the average amount per month the function which I used was AVERAGE. For the running total per pupil, a formula is used to workout the amount a pupil has paid throughout the months except December and the running total keeps a record of the payments made, so the formula entered adds all monthly payments together to gives the running total. The formula used for overall total collected is needed to workout the total of all the pupils each month so you add each monthly payment made by pupils. The outbalance per pupil uses a formula which tells you how much each pupil have to pay after every payment also the formula finds the outbalance by taking away 500 because it is the cost for the trip from the running total. I calculated the average per month by using the function average and using a range between the payment made by the first pupil to the payment made by the tenth pupil and then it gave me an average amount per month, which I then replicated the formula across the row.  
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  1. Description of formatting used:-
  • The formatting used in this spreadsheet are formatting cells into currency since this is a payment spreadsheet, formatting alignment of cells so the text fits perfectly into the cell and changed ways of text alignment for e.g. justify, used patterns, colours and borders to make it look professional and finally locked cells which were essential because when protecting sheet the cells cannot be accessed and the spreadsheet looks more advanced. I have done conditional formatting to highlight payments which are overpaid, payments which have been fully paid finally payment which need paying. I have ...

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