Questions and Answers on the Features of Presentation Software

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Features of Presentation Software: Task Sheet

1. List some features available in presentation software which can be used to alter the appearance of text

2. Identify at least three things which you should consider when using text in a presentation.

3. Explain how images can be used to help to improve a presentation

4. Identify at least three things which you should consider when using images in a presentation.

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5. Explain how sounds can be used to help to improve a presentation

6. Identify two situations where sound might be used in a presentation

7. Identify three sources of sound files which could be used in a presentation.

8. Identify two situations where a video might be used in a presentation

9. Identify at least three problems of using videos within a presentation

10. Explain what is meant by ‘animation’ in a presentation

11. Identify two ...

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