The Design Brief - The company is a car hire company called Citicar.

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The Design Brief

The company is a car hire company called Citicar. Customers are offered a range of cars to hire. It’s based in England and has branches in various cities such as London and Manchester. Customers can choose the model of car, requirements like what they’ll be using it for, whether they’ll need air conditioning and how long they’ll need it for. At the moment the public can’t search the website and have to ring the company or go to the office/shop where they can find the type of car they require and receive help from the staff. The company is currently paper based and is full of filing cabinets. I have to solve the company’s paper-based problem by designing them a system that is easy to use for customers and staff using a database. Also with a database the customers should be able to access it on the Internet saving them trouble of going down to the Citicar shop.

When the system is completed it will make things quicker and more efficient for the company. Data will be easy to reach and can be got to quickly. Customers will be happier with the increased accessibility of the company and being able to search for exactly what they are looking for quickly. Staff will have a lot less filing to do and keeping track of records will be easier. The search tool will help customers and staff find what they are looking for quickly without any unnecessary hassle.

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  • More efficient for staff and customers
  • Easy to search for files
  • Records can be put into order(s)
  • Numbers of customers should increase due to new improved, easy system
  • Customer can specify for exactly what they want and will hopefully find a match
  • Money will be saved as less staff will be needed to manage filing and filling in forms etc
  • Data presented clearly for customers to use in a database
  • Simple instructions so customers can use the system easily
  • Over due cars can be spotted easily and sorted out quickly

Is the system able to all the ...

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