The impact of ICT on an adult in employment for mobile and Email

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The impact of ICT on an adult in employment – Mobile and email


David Smith uses email to send his report to the company that he is working for at the time and to send or receive photographs over the internet. Sending reports over the internet saves a lot of time and is an easier method of communicating than through the post. Before he got the internet he used the post to send the report to the company.

One drawback of this was that the file took a long time to print. You have to pay to send the package. The cost of this depended on the weight of the parcel and 80 sheets of paper are not cheap to send. To buy 80 sheets of paper, he would have to spend a reasonable amount of money too. He would also have to buy cartridges for the printer.

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These are not cheap. However, David Smith would not have to buy all of these items himself; he would get the company that he is working for to buy them. Now that David Smith uses email to send his reports over the internet to the people who need them, he has no reason to leave his house, nor does he have any reason to print off the document. Although email has made the writing and sending of reports faster and easier for David Smith, he has had a few problems with email. He has had some unwanted emails sent to ...

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