The Internet - is it useful or all hype?

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The Internet: is it useful or all hype?

The Internet is a vast computer network of computer networks. Estimates are that more than 30 million computer users populated this electronic global village by late 1996 and that some 8 to 10 million had access to the World Wide Web. During 1996, the number of registered commercial sites on the Internet increased more than 500%. The Internet is accessible in more than 100 countries.

Practically speaking, the Internet, also referred to as the Information Superhighway, is composed of people, hardware, and software. With the proper equipment, you can sit at your computer and communicate with someone any place in the world as long as that person also has the proper equipment. You can also use the Internet to access vast amounts of information, including text, graphics, sound, and video. You can search, send e-mail, receive electronic newsletters, and "chat" with others online.

In the late 1960s, a group of scientists wanted to share information with others working on similar research projects, many of whom were government contractors working at large universities. Thus, ARPAnet was spawned. When people at these institutions discovered the enormous utility of a network that linked them with colleagues around the world, the project mushroomed.  

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As the network expanded throughout the 1970s, members of the computer industry began to participate, and the Internet became an online haven for computer jocks, researchers, and academics. The first commercial online service, CompuServe, started up in 1969 and for several years was itself primarily an online hangout for computer jocks.

In 1986, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created NSFNET to connect supercomputer sites around the U.S. It also connected computers at research sites and schools that were near the supercomputers. Within 2 years, NSFNET had totally replaced ARPAnet.  

In 1991, Vice President Al Gore, then a U.S. ...

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At the end of the report, there is a list of definitions of technical terms which are related to the internet. This is quite good,and explained well.

The report states how the internet was formed, from 1960's to 1991. This is quite good, as the report states the process undertaken to achieve the technology of the internet. However the student hasn't explained the thinking behind their actions. For example the report could include 'In 1986, the idea was that the technology would be used within a number of years, and the technology which would be fitted into the new sites, would be more effective'.

In summary, the report is quite good. This is due to detailed text on how the internet was formed. However the report could include real examples, which would link the background understanding to the background knowledge. The report states what the internet is, and how this has growth by 500% within a few years since the launch of the internet. This is quite good, as it explains the growth of the internet. The report states that a user needs pay an ISP, to have access to the internet. This is correct. However the report could include real examples of an ISP, such as Virgin Media and the cost that the service is at different internet packages.