Understudied relationships electronic friendships (e.g. relationships formed on the Internet).

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‘Understudied’ relationships’ ‘electronic’ friendships (e.g. relationships formed on the Internet).


This is clearly a fascinating new area of research for social psychologists where study can be carried out through participant observation and on-line questionnaires.

The concept of “electronic friendships” refers to all interpersonal contacts through the medium of the internet. The three main sources are email, usenets and chat rooms.


Email, or electronic mail, is a way of writing a message an, instead of posting it, you send via the internet to another person’s postbox, where it awaits collection by the recipient. This means one can collect an email anywhere one has access to a computer.

How does amail differ from other forms of communication? Prior to the age of electronic methods, communication was either:

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  • Face to face (corporeal)
  • Phone to phone (voice only)
  • Written word (“snail mail”)

When we speak with someone face to face there are a host of channels through which we are communicating aside from actual words. In fact the non-verbal signals or paralanguage may be more important than the words themselves, for example body posture and eye gaze express liking for someone else. On the telephone some of these nonverbal signals are still there, such as pauses and tone of voice. In letters, all such signals have been removed or, if they are included, it is done deliberately. ...

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The report states the term 'E-Mail', and the technical term is explained well. However the description states an 'recipient', and this may slightly confuse the examiner. An 'recipient' is the person who you have sent the letter/e-mail to. This isn't mentioned within the report.

The report doesn't have any real examples/case studies within the report. This is necessary, as this links the student's background understanding to a commercial environment. Any such case studies/real examples would gain the student high marks, as there have placed their knowledge to a real situation. The section 'Chat Rooms' is quite brief, and this isn't in-depth. The student would need to disuses this in further detail to acquire high marks.

In summary, the report is quite basic. The student has identified an issue, although there haven't really spent alot of time assessing the benefits/drawbacks of the internet on forming relationships with people on-line. In addition, there is no case studies/real examples. The student has recognised that the use of the internet, by a way of forming relationships with people is being understudied. This is correct, and this shows a good understanding of the internet and how this is effecting people's life's. The section 'USENETS' doesn't include the ability that the majority of users have on forums with posting 'Anonymously'. This would allow a person to insult another member, without actually putting the person who is attracting the user. This could cause a number of issues, and should be included within the report as an major drawback.