Verification, validation and input masks

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Verification, validation and input masks

Verification is when a human, through proofreading, checks data. You can do this in several ways:

· Proof read the work on the monitor or on a print out

· Check work on a monitor/print out with a manual copy

· Get somebody else to check the work for you.

· Two people typing in the same data, and if the data is the same it is accepted for processing. The only drawback to this is the unlikely event that the two people actually make the same mistake, and the wrong data is inputted.

The advantages of verification are that data is less likely to be inaccurate. For many companies such as banks, data being accurate is crucial.

However, it does take time to check all the data, and in cases such as having two people entering the data, this is using another person that could be doing other more important work, and two wages need to be paid which would lose money.

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Validation can be used in a database, where you set up the fields in a database so that only certain information can be entered. It’s a check by the actual computer program and makes sure that the data is allowable.

There are many different checks that can be performed:

· Character type check – This check will make sure that the correct characters are entered into the computer.

· Length check – Where the length of the word that has been entered is checked, and if this is incorrect an error message is displayed. For example when filling in ...

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The presentation of the report is a block of text, which makes it quite difficult to read when going though the report. The report should contain line breaks, by splitting the report into three different sections. These would include 'Verification', 'Validation' and 'Input Masks'.

The three different paragraph are well explained and the student clearly understands how all three methods work. Although for high marks, the student could include real examples of their own database, and explain why it's necessary to include these. There is little information on why the user needs to implemented the three methods, which would allow the student to evaluate their background knowledge.

In summary, the report shows clear understanding of the three methods of inputting data into an Microsoft Access file. However more could be said, regrading the reason why a user would implement the methods. The report states how verification is undertaken, and the drawbacks to this approach. This section is quite good, as this shows the examiner that the work is detailed and this gives an accurate view of what 'Verification'. is. The report doesn't contain any screenshots, which would make the section 'Validation' more clear and this would enable the examiner to visualize the writing. On the flip side, the paragraph is well written, and detailed. If the student were to include a number of screenshots of Microsoft Access, this would re-enforce their background understanding of their written knowledge.