Video Rental Shop I.T. System

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There are many small businesses, some of which are estate agents, sports clubs, video rental shops, and mechanics. Many of these businesses don't have a computer system to help them handle and communicate data. They do everything on paper and use filing cabinets as a means of storage. My local estate agent uses the traditional method of paper and filing cabinets, as well as my local video rental shop and mechanics. But my local sports club does use a computer database system to store membership details etc. So I have decided that they will not be requiring my services as they already have a system. Now I was left with three businesses with no use of a computer system to offer my help to. I offered my help to the mechanics as they had a lot of new customers coming in everyday and they had other challenges as well. They rejected my offer as they said that they would be getting a very advanced computer system soon. After I did some research on both estate agents and video rental shops. I decided to choose the video rental shop. I made this choice as I saw the vast amount of new data they were receiving each day whereas the estate agents were only receiving little quantities on data every two to three days. Also the video shop needed my help more as they were under a lot of stress and pressure.

I went to my local video shop 'Quick Rentals' and discovered that they keep a lot of records in filing cabinets. I tried to find members details and the video(s) that they had rented and it was impossible. It took me 45 minutes to make a match of a member and what video(s) they had. I realised how hard it's is to monitor members details. Obviously it wouldn't take the shop assistants that long, but it still does consume a lot of their time. Someone wanted to become a member and it took a worker almost 25 minutes of questions before the customer was actually a member. So we can see that everything is very time consuming and places additional stresses and pressures on the shop assistants.

The shop assistants everyday have to go through every rented video and see if it's overdue and if a video is overdue they have to write a note so appropriate actions can be taken when the video is eventually returned. So when someone returns a video a check of the notes have to be done to see if that video is in fact over due. This is also time consuming. So to make the life of the shop assistants easier I have decided to set up a database system.


The shop assistants have great difficulty with overdue videos, new member additions and seeing weather a video is on rent and who to, this is why the video shops owner Barry has to employ ten members of staff. With the aid of a computer all the tasks above could be very simple to carry out.


I will be designing a database for the video rental shop. I will need to use Microsoft Access. As I have said the filing cabinet method does take up a lot of time and leads to long delays in the shop and dissatisfied customers.

The potential users of the system will be Barry and the ten shop assistants. I went into Quick Rentals and asked Barry some questions. Below are the questions and the answers.

Have you any knowledge of Microsoft Access?

Yes I do know how to use Microsoft Access, but I'm pretty sure not all of the shop assistants do. I could teach whoever doesn't know about Microsoft Access as I'm not actually in the shop all the time so they will have to learn how to use it.

In what ways will the system help you and the shop?

Well, it'll help me, as there won't be as much customer complaints about the speed of the service. Also at the moment I'm on a tight budget as I have so many staff. So hopefully I can get rid of a few as the system as you say will speed up things around here. It will also benefit the shop as those big grey filing cabinets can go. It will basically improve the general appearance of the shop. Also some customers tend to leave as queues get to big or as allocating them videos does take some time. So with the use of the computer I hope that will all be a thing of the past.

Would you let customers use the system on the computer?

I don't think so as it's going to be too inconvenient as the computer will be behind the counter. It would be a security risk if customers were allowed behind the counter. Also not all customers will know how to use the system and damage could be inflicted to the computer.
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My system will consist of four stages, input, process, storage, and output. Input will be where the shop assistants will need to enter information on new customers willing to be members. The customers could fill out a data capture form to do this. Also information on the already members will have to be entered. Information on the videos would have to be entered. Process is where all the records will have to be sorted. So all member details are together etc. It's also where the data will be processed so all members will be matched up to videos ...

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