What are web Services?

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What are web Services?

Web services allow interoperable software components to be built over the web using standard protocols, which can perform business functions and processes.

Currently organisations have to choose a single product vendor to provide the software functionality to perform an business function or process i.e. if a company wishes to automate it's HR function then it would look at souring the software from a single ERP vendor rather then source the best bits from the best vendors at the right price. The main reason for this is interoperability of data definition and messaging standards between different vendors is not consistent. This means a-lot of work on integrating the different components would need to be carried out which is not feasible.
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Interoperability of data and messaging is the underlying foundation of web services. Organisations will be able to get the best components from the companies wish to perform their business functions e.g. within HR a software component to manage compensation and benefits can be bought from SAP, a software component to manage performance management can be bought from PeopleSoft and so on. All these components are interact under the web services framework to provide a seemless automated HR function. This single example simpler more cost effective integration will

The concepts that underpin Web Services are not new:

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

The report uses the term 'interoperable software components' quite early on, however I'm not too sure what is meant by this. The student will need to explain this term in-detail to ensure that people will be able to understand. When reading though the report, the student uses terms which aren't explained, which would make the report difficult to understand from an non-IT background. For example 'HR', I'm assuming is Human Resources, however this ins't mention within the report.

The report states a number of key points, which are developed, and these are quite detailed. However these points are developed, but quite short. In a sense, the student has missed out some of the basic understanding which is useful to understand before using developed points, as this may be misunderstood without the basic understanding first. It's often best to state the basic understanding and build upon this. In order to receive high marks, the student would need to input some of their basic understanding before their developed points.

The bullet points of concepts of website service,s are explained well, and this is of high quality. In terms of this section only, this would be awarded high marks.